Cycle Builder

  • Posts ( 36 )
  • Beast Mode cycle (buy now) BULK BULK BULK!
    Take a gander at what we have for you! Are you ready to make the commitment? $475.00 at regular price..You pay $410.00 Now this is a bulk for the buck! "Spectacular savings" (International shipping ONLY) Do you want it? (click here if you're ready to unleash the beast)


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  • HMG - (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin) is used for stimulating hormones by triggering FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and lh (leutenizing hormone) production in the body. HMG was originally designed for use in women to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple follicles, thus making their fertile abilities more possible. HMG Massone is a drug similar to HCG and has several of its functions, but also has the added benefit of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone stimulation) while HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - is known mainly for lh (l...


     (373)    (9)     0 comments


  • Advanced Bulking Cycle Criteria for using an advanced cycle: 1) If you have done over 5 cycles total. 2) If you have stacked 2 steroids and one other drug (an anti-estrogen, clen, etc...) in one cycle 3) If you have done cycles for at least 2 different reasons (i.e. cutting, bulking, strength gain, etc& ) 4) If you have done PCT and retained more than half of your gains Prior to you jumping into an advanced cycle, with several compounds, you need to get your PCT organized. If you are losing more than half your gains from every cycle, then som...


     (446)    (7)     0 comments


  • Low end Intermediate Cycle for bulking Guidelines to figure out whether or not you are ready for an intermediate cycle. 1) If you have been lifting for at least three years. 2) If you have completed at least three cycles. 3) If you have done at least three different anabolic steroids stacked in at least one of your previous cycles. If you have done all of the above then you are at an intermediate steroid cycle level, and the cycle I´m going to summarize listed below is for you. Here is a sample intermediate bulking cycle. Week Testosterone cy...


     (472)    (11)     0 comments


  • Firstly, steroids are not magic, but if you´re a beginner and have seen their effects first hand, they probably seem that way to you. But there´s no magic here. I´m going to also say that if you´re a beginner and you´re reading this article, you´re taking into consideration using them. A beginner is someone who has done two cycles or less, in my opinion. Along with supplements you still need hard work, dedication to the gym, and some dieting. Some questions to ask yourself are Are you a male over eighteen years old? Have you been training for...


     (1120)    (10)     1 comments


  • Kick starters and there importance. As a lot of people know Anadrol and Turinobol (both can be found in PSL's EP line up)are two great substances at increasing size and strength, and achieving it quickly. As far as strength goes, I would give both of these a solid 8 to 9 out of 10. As far as mass goes, I would give the Anadrol the advantage out of the two, that being said I have experienced less water retention with Turinabol. The aspects that are most appealing to me are the fact that either of these substances used correctly in the beginnin...


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  • Anadrol (oxymetholone)
    Anadrol (oxymetholone) Anadrol 50mg was originally made as a compound to help with anemia, and has since been used very effectively to assist people who are suffering from other diseases where the loss of weight is a concern. Clearly it is a successful steroid for promoting gains in weight & strength, increasing your appetite, and increasing Red Blood Cell production. Along with most Anabolic Steroids, it has its downsides too. Anadrol will slow down your body’s natural production of hormones such as testosterone and can negatively affect yo...


     (352)    (10)     0 comments


  • Arimidex (Anastrozole)
    Arimidex (Anastrozole) Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor (which means that it interrupts a critical step in the body's synthesis of estrogen) used to stop the sequence of breast cancer in women. It works by blocking the production of estrogen (by way of the aromatase enzyme) . In bodybuilding, it’s used as an ancillary compound to be added to an AAS cycle. An additional benefit of or Arimidex is its ability to increase testosterone levels, as I mention below. Arimidex comes in tablet form and data presently suggests that dosages of Arimidex...


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  • Aromasin (exemestane) lowers estrogen levels, which can slow the growth of certain types of breast tumors that need estrogen to grow in the body.It is also used to treat breast cancer and is a member of the group of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors.Aromatase is an enzyme that synthesizes estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors block the synthesis of estrogen which actually lowers the estrogen levels. Aromasin is used to treat breast cancer and is often given to people whose cancer has progressed even after taking tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for 2 to 3 ye...


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  • Clenbuterol Clen is a popular bronchodilator intended to treat chronic asthma; it is also a authoritative fat burner similar to Ephedrine yet way more powerful. Aimed to treat respiratory issues it is this medications fat-burning abilities that have captivated so many and it is the number one reason many buy it in the first place (and I have read several times it is Hollywood’s main source to cut up plenty of different actors). The reason is simple because it greatly increases your total metabolic activity which uses stored body-fat for ener...


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